1. I stand alone in a luxurious city, guarding a member's area accessible to non-members. I am the same as my kin, yet I am different. What is my weapon?

2. Sticks and stones will break my stones, but words will always kill me. Who am I?

3. Zaros I am, Zaros I'm not. I have a slave while you do not. I've crossed the lands far and wide, my knowlegde is bona fide. What is the final letter of my name?

4. I drink the blood of the Earth,
and the trees fear my swing,
yet a man may hold me in his hands.
What am I?


5. He who hired me does not care about me,
Thus we bond and defend each other,
And even as failures, we still stand tall.
What town would you find me in?

6. Frozen in time, I'm a strong enemy. Bake some food and you'll set me free. Who am I?
7. I'm the grandest tree of them all,
Though none on this world can chop me,
Master Craftsmen stand at my base,
Who's sole purpose is to mock thee.

8. I'm expensive
Using me is not quite safe
For I can disorient you
Yet treasure seekers want me
What am I?
9. Deceased fish swimming through a sea of blood,
With dairy driftwood floating above,
Never to escape to the buttery shores.
What am I?  


                                                                                                                                      ANSWERS BELOW
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